Date Published 18 March 2025
In order to ensure that you get your rental deposit back, it's important to know some of the key reasons why landlords choose to hold on to deposits once tenancies come to an end.
Being aware of the common grievances stated by landlords will help you avoid any rental deposit pitfalls and put you in a better position to the whole of your deposit returned to you.
Top 5 reasons why landlords don't return deposits
- Not keeping the property clean
- Not maintaining the property to a sufficient standard
- Direct damage to the property and/or its contents
- Rent being due after the tenancy completes
- Indirect damage due to lack of maintenance or carelessness
90% of letting agents said that insufficient cleanliness had caused landlords to withhold tenant's deposits.
If you are unsure what constitutes 'clean' speak with your letting agent, that's what they are there for!
We are more than happy to go through an end of tenancy exit plan to ensure your deposit gets returned to you without any issues.